
These Are The People Tasked With Helping Yelp Better Cater To Small Businesses

Back in May, Yelp put a call out to small businesses, seeking out new members for its Small Business Advisory Council. Any local business owner was eligible to apply.

On Tuesday, the company announced the new members it has appointed. Over 1,000 business owners replied, and they have a list of 25 active members, which are supposed to represent local businesses in five countries. There are ten new members, and fifteen returning members.

The new ones are:

The returning members are:

Each of the members is to participate in regular conference calls aimed at improving existing features and policies, as well as discussing products in development and coming up with new ideas. They’ll also participate in an annual summit at the company’s headquarters. They’ll meet with top Yelp execs and department heads to “share their perspectives as small business owners.”

Image via Yelp