
LinkedIn Arrives At 100 Million Members

Although it’s rather early for champagne, the people behind professional networking site LinkedIn have reason to celebrate this morning.  LinkedIn CEO Jeff Weiner announced today that the site’s reached a major milestone, having converted 100 million professionals into members.

That’s an accomplishment in more than one way.  Consider that many of those members are VIPs (at least in the business world); LinkedIn noted that every Fortune 500 company has at least one exec on the site.

The site’s truly gone global, too.  According to an infographic Weiner provided (part of which you can see below), only 44 million of its members are based in the U.S., while 56 million live elsewhere.  And Brazil, Mexico, India, and France are LinkedIn’s fastest-growing countries.

So LinkedIn appears to be in very good shape ahead of its IPO, whenever that may be.

Anyway, Weiner wrote on the official LinkedIn Blog, “We want to thank all of you, our 100 million members, for making this happen.  Your experiences, connections, and shared knowledge are what make LinkedIn so powerful to each and every one of us.”

Then if you’re interested in some slightly quirkier data about LinkedIn, it turns out the site has 1,030 members with “chocolatier” listed as a position, 74 members who claim to have worked as Elvis tribute artists, and 46 self-proclaimed beatboxers.

A separate post on the LinkedIn Blog also gave one more stat: “56,800 miles (90,900 km): length of the conga line formed by all of our members celebrating our latest milestone.  That is equivalent to 9.76 round trips on the road between San Francisco and New York City.”