Yes, unfortunately it’s that time of year again. Tax season is in full bloom. If you haven’t filed your taxes yet, you need to get on it this week. The deadline is the 17th of April, so that leaves you five or six days.
What’s new this year is the IRS is now on Twitter! I know you’re excited about this, I sure am. You can find them at On there you’ll find all kinds of tax related information including tips on how to use e-file, apply for a tax extension, and even how to track down your refund if it hasn’t yet arrived.
Figuring your taxes can be a stressful project, so for do-it-yourselfers this could be a valuable tool. I went on my Twitter account to follow the IRS just to see what appeared when I did.
Here’s some of what I found:
#Expat tax and global mobility. Need help w/ international tax & HR services? Request a fee quote or consultation
The IRS has a YouTube channel that offers last minute tax tips for people that wait until the last minute to file.
Tax Tips: 7 Red Flags That Can Get You Audited: The IRS is tightlipped about exactly what gets your tax return selected for extra scr…