
Firefox Panorama Search in the Making

Microsoft isn’t the only one doing interesting things with its browser. Mozilla’s Aza Raskin has an interesting proof-of-concept video for searching on Firefox Panorama. 

In July, Raskin revealed "Tab Candy", a Firefox feature designed to make managing tabs easier. It shows an overview of all tabs so they can be quickly located. It also includes other organizational features like tab groups. The feature was later renamed "Panorama".  More on this here.
"Firefox Panorama (née Tab Candy) gives the best way to browse through your tabs and groups, but is lacking in search," says Raskin. "We are working on fixing that. Search is a feature where speed is the number one priority, so we’ve worked to have the visual aspects of search be lightening fast (almost no animation) and the entry method be instant (just start typing)."
Here is the video:

Firefox Panorama Search: Proof Of Concept from Aza Raskin on Vimeo.

 When the Panorama Search feature actually becomes available to use in Firefox still remains to be seen, but it should make for an interesting feature, and possibly boost productivity, which is what Panorama itself is all about.