Bob Iger: Act Boldly To Achieve Your Dreams

Former Disney CEO Bob Iger gave the commencement address at University of Texas at Austin where he told graduates that acting boldly is the only way to accomplish meaningful things in life: The only w...
Bob Iger: Act Boldly To Achieve Your Dreams
Written by Rich Ord

Former Disney CEO Bob Iger gave the commencement address at University of Texas at Austin where he told graduates that acting boldly is the only way to accomplish meaningful things in life:

The only way to accomplish meaningful things in life is by acting boldly. Being timid has never gotten anyone anywhere. Of course, boldness is just not being timid. It means taking swift significant action in the face of fear and uncertainty. It means standing with courage and conviction particularly when confronted with tough or unpopular choices. It means having an unwavering commitment to honesty, integrity, and just doing the right thing. It means having a deep and abiding curiosity about people, places, ideas, and just a sheer willingness to try something new.

Being bold also requires ambition and a willingness to dream big. There is just no such thing as having dreams that are too big. My advice is to be optimistic, be confident, have faith in yourself and in your abilities, and believe that your dreams are achievable, and don’t let anyone tell you they’re not.

Bob Iger: Act Boldly To Achieve Your Dreams

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