
PayPal Gives iPhone/iPad Developers In-App Payment Option

Some news from PayPal that slipped fairly under the radar this week is that the company opened its Mobile Payments Library to developers. A representative for PayPal tells WebProNews it will give developers an "easy way to get payments from within their apps."

PayPal Mobile Payments at BaubletThe library is an element of PayPal’s PayPal X Payments Platform, announced last year. "The Mobile Payments Library enables app developers to accept in-app purchases directly via PayPal; so developers don’t need to store customers’ personal financial information and customers can purchase goods and services without leaving the app," the rep explains.

A few developers have already started using the library. Examples include ShopSavvy, and Shutterfly’s Wink. Baublet is the first one in the app store to utilize it.

"Being a first time developer, PayPal’s quick and responsive help has been fantastic and made this task pretty darn easy," says Baublet developer Michael Robinson. "Our goal was to have the ability to create, purchase and mail a charm within a few minutes on our app. The PayPal’s Mobile Payments was critical to that success."

The library currently supports iPhone and iPad apps, but will become available for other platforms soon.