Twitter’s Death Spiral? Employees Flee Over Musk’s Ultimatum.

Twitter is in trouble as employees are leaving en masse in response to Elon Musk's ultimatum that they commit to a "hardcore" environment....
Twitter’s Death Spiral? Employees Flee Over Musk’s Ultimatum.
Written by Matt Milano

Twitter is in trouble as employees are leaving en masse in response to Elon Musk’s ultimatum that they commit to a “hardcore” environment.

Elon Musk has stirred up one controversy after another, laying off half the company’s workforce, eliminating remote work, messing with account verification, raising the price of Twitter Blue, and putting a potential bankruptcy on the table.

Most recently, according to The Washington Post, Musk gave employees an ultimatum via email, saying they would need to commit to a new way of doing things, one that “will need to be extremely hardcore.”

“This will mean working long hours at high intensity,” he added. “Only exceptional performance will constitute a passing grade.”

Musk said that any employees willing to commit to the new way of doings things should click “Yes” in the email he sent — the only option in the email.

“If you are sure that you want to be part of the new Twitter, please click yes on the link below,” read the email.

Employees were given until 5 pm ET on Thursday to agree. Failure to do so would be taken as a resignation, with three months severance pay being given.

According to Bloomberg, Musk’s tactics may be backfiring with far more employees opting to leave the company than anticipated. In fact, the number opting out was so large that Musk ended up trying to do damage control in the final hours before the deadline in an effort to convince more people to stay on.

Despite the effort, Bloomberg reports that the company’s Slack channel was filled with employees sending the salute emoji, which has been adopted as a way for someone to indicate they are leaving the company.

Ultimately, it’s unclear how much more turmoil Twitter can take and still be viable. Amid the drastic workforce reduction, the company has lost some of its critical security personnel, prompting US senators to ask the FTC to investigate.

If Musk keeps running it into the ground, his ultimatum may well be viewed as the beginning of Twitter’s death spiral.

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