
YouTube.com Restores iOS Picture-in-Picture Compatibility


YouTube.com has restored iOS picture-in-picture (PiP) functionality after disabling it in September.

iOS provides the ability to watch video in a mini-window while working in other apps. While this feature has been available on iPads for some time, iOS 14 finally brought the feature to iPhones.

As MacRumors reports, Google appears to have restricted the feature to Premium YouTube subscribers in September. While Google appears to have reversed the decision, it only applies to watching YouTube via Safari on iOS 14. The YouTube app does not support PiP, nor has it ever supported it.

MacRumors makes the point that there is no way to know if this reversal is permanent, as Google has not made any announcements either way. In the short term, at least, iOS users will be able to enjoy some video-watching multitasking.