
Crying YouTube Star Has His Wish Granted To Be Governor [VIDEO]

Go ahead and file this story in the “feel good news” category. Jesse Koczon, who came into fame when crying about being too young to be governor, has had his wish fulfilled. Governor Christie, signed a proclamation on Wednesday which made Koczon honorary governor of New Jersey for the day.

The story begins during the election in 2009. Jesse’s parents took both him and his brother to the polls, to give them a look at what happens during elections. Jesse wanted to vote, but was told he was too young. Like most children when they’re told they aren’t able to do something, Jesse began to cry. This continued to the car, when Jesse’s mom began filming her son’s tantrum on being too young to become governor.

The video became an instant hit, and eventually led to the family receiving $10,000 from America’s Funniest Home Videos. The good fortune didn’t end there however, as Governor Christie caught wind of the video. He tweeted this in response:

Don’t worry Jesse, people gave plenty of reasons why I couldn’t be Governor, though being too small wasn’t one of them http://bit.ly/hBdpC4 6 days ago via TweetDeck · powered by @socialditto

Christie’s involvement went beyond tweeting, as he ended up inviting Jesse and his family to tour his office and check out the governor’s job. The proclamation declaring Jesse as honorary governor was a surprise, which led to a press conference announcing Jesse’s new position. Like the video listed above, hilarity and insanity ensues. If only all political press conferences could be this entertaining.

When asked what his first act as governor would be, he answered “going home”. He promises to not raise property taxes though. Sounds like the kid already has an idea of what it takes to be a successful politician.