
YouTube Analytics Gets New Playlists Stats

Google announced the addition of some new reports to YouTube Analytics, to help channel owners see how their playlists are helping with their overall channel performance.

YouTube Analytics will now show the total number of video views from the channel’s playlists, how many times the viewers started watching a playlist, the average time they watched, and other data.

The data will go back as far as February 1st.

“Recently, we tweaked YouTube to give playlists more love, with new features like the ability for viewers to collect their favorite playlists and access them straight from the Guide,” says YouTube product manager Ted Hamilton. “Whether you create videos with different themes or you curate videos from other creators, keeping your videos organized with playlists helps viewers easily find what they went to your channel for, and can also encourage them to watch more of your videos.

You can access the new stats by search for a playlist directly, or by selecting the “Playlists” view.

More here.

Image via YouTube