
YouTube Adds New Voter Registration Annotation to Make Voting Go Viral

Today marks the debut of a new holiday in the United States. September 25th is officially the first-ever National Vote Registration Day, a campaign to make sure that all eligible voters out there get registered. The campaign is spreading the word across Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Google+, and other networks using the official hashtag #925NVRD.

YouTube is taking a small step to help with the national voter registration drive, in the hopes that they can “make voting go viral.”

Today, they’re announcing a new Voter Registration annotation that video creators can add to their videos. It will work like any other annotation, except it will link to Google’s dedicated voter registration hub.

Here’s how you add the new voter annotation to your existing videos:

You can add this annotation to a video in a few easy steps:

Go to Edit Video on any of your uploads; At the top of the page, you’ll see a tab marked Annotation (fourth tab); Click “Add Annotation” and select “Cause” at the bottom of the list; Under “Select a Cause” choose “Register to Vote”; Choose the times you want it to appear and click “Save.”

“In 2008, 6 million Americans didn’t vote because they missed a registration deadline or didn’t know how to register. In 2012, we want to make sure no one is left out,” says the NVRD site. Moderately to severely viral videos have the chance to reach hundreds or thousands – even millions of pairs of eyes from now until election day. If only a handful of those people click on an annotation in the video and choose to register to vote, that’s a win.