
YouTube Adds New Sports Channels

In their continuing push to make the site a more channel-driven experience for users, YouTube is Google+Reader”>announcing more new channels to their growing lineup. Today’s emphasis: The wide world of sports.

The first new channel is Bleacher Report, which will showcase the offbeat sports news show BR5 as well as NFL Draft 365, Full Ride, and more.

With in-depth opinion and analysis, top athlete and celeb appearances and much more, Bleacher Report will get you a front row seat for the latest in sports.

Next up is KickTV which is all about soccer.

Every day, Kick’s roster of international stars and pundits debate the hot-button topics on The Mixer. On The Whip, Kick’s experts highlight the good, the bad, and the ugly from around YouTube’s football world. History buffs can dip into the past to catch full matches on the Kick Classics channel, while aspiring stars can learn the game in the Academy channel.

Last in this round of new content is The NOC, who says they “are where athletes can express themselves and connect with fans in a whole new way. The Network of Champions shows athletes doing the unexpected every week, and we talk about athletes every day.” Basically, The NOC is devoted to the lighter side of athletes, for example, a ping pong battle featuring NY Yankee Nick Swisher.

This new round of content comes on the heels of new action sports content (featuring a Tony Hawk channel), new entertainment channels, and new automotive content with the Motor Trend and Drive channels.