
Your Wedding Isn’t Cool Now Unless You Get a Slow Motion Booth [VIDEO]

Dude, photo booths at weddings are so…five minutes ago. In the near future, you’re going to be able to discern the cool weddings from the really cool weddings by whether or not you can find a slow motion booth.

Just look at how much fun these people are having. Just look.

Quang + Ellie: Slow Motion Booth from Super Frog Saves Tokyo on Vimeo.

Seattle-based video production company Super Frog Saves Tokyo set up this slow motion booth at a wedding reception and captured it all – dancing, kissing, sexually suggestive confetti shooting…

“You’ll definitely see more. We’ve been asked to set up slow motion booths at different event,” says the company in a response on Vimeo.

It’s begun. This should be fun.

Image via Super Frog Saves Tokyo, Vimeo