You Won, Internets: Pitbull Is Heading To Kodiak, Alaska

A few weeks ago Walmart, Energy Sheets brand, and “high integrity Zumbacore sensation” Pitbull partnered for a promotional contest. The premise was simple – whichever local Walmart c...
You Won, Internets: Pitbull Is Heading To Kodiak, Alaska
Written by Josh Wolford

A few weeks ago Walmart, Energy Sheets brand, and “high integrity Zumbacore sensation” Pitbull partnered for a promotional contest. The premise was simple – whichever local Walmart could garner the most likes on their Facebook page would win an appearance from Pitbull.

That contest was promptly hijacked by David Thorpe of the Boston Phoenix, who suggested that the internet community should band together with a common purpose – to send Pitbull to the most remote Walmart location in America, which happens to be in Kodiak, Alaska.

And thus, the #ExilePitbull initiative was born. Thanks to tweets like this (which Pitbull actually retweeted himself)…

…the Walmart Kodiak Facebook page began to grab thousands of likes. The contest just ended, and as it stands, the remote Walmart location has over 70,000 likes, which is more than enough to declare it the winner of the contest. Pitbull is officially headed to Alaska. You did it, internet.

Walmart Kodiak

You voted with your “Like” and now Pitbull is coming to Kodiak. We can’t wait. Thanks Sheets Energy Strips. Be sure to “Like” your local store as well.

Pitbull – Walmart Challenge
Pitbull’s response to The Walmart Challenge – Kodiak, Alaska.

To give him credit, Pitbull has been a good sport about the #ExilePitbull campaign since its inception. Continuing that trend, he’s released an official video response where he asks the people responsible for putting him in Alaska to join him there.

“I’d be stoked,” says one Facebook user. “The guy is being sent to a beautiful place that probably wouldn’t have occurred to him otherwise. I’ll bet that, once his 15 minutes are up, this trip is one of those great memories he has for the rest of his life!”

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