
You Can Now Vote On Your Favorite YouTube Ads of the Year

Google is calling on the masses to cast their votes for the best ads of 2015 on YouTube. You can vote in five categories.

The categories consist of the ad you wish you were in, the ad that gets you going, the ad that’s your guilty pleasure, the ad that give you the feels, and the ad that restores your faith in humanity.

A post on Google’s Agency Blog says:

From realizing pipe dreams, to imagining possibilities and removing labels, the best YouTube ads of 2015 were full of energy and feeling. Viewers have been moved, enticed, entertained and surprised by the ads that top creative agencies have delivered this year.

We’ve partnered with The Webby Awards to select 25 nominees based on this year’s YouTube Ads Leaderboard for the most iconic ads of 2015 — and now you get to cast your ballot for your favorites.

Here are the nominees for the ad you wish you were in:

Nominees for the ad that restores your faith in humanity:

Nominees for ad that’s your guilty pleasure:

Nominees for ad that gives you feels:

And finally, the ad that gets you going:

Voting ends in a week, and winners will be announced on December 9th. You can vote once a day. Vote here.

Image via YouTube