
You Can Now Receive Twitter’s “Best-Of” Emails Daily, If That’s Something You’re Into

Back in May, Twitter decided that weekly emails highlighting the “best of” content on the site would be a good way to promote more user engagement. The email digests showcase individual tweets from people users follow, as well as popular news stories and links across the site. The weekly recaps are kind of like Twitter’s “Discover” function, and oftentimes include tweets from people outside the user’s network, which allows them to expand their horizons across the site.

Now, users can choose to receive those weekly digests daily.

The revamped digests now include a link to “switch to daily delivery.” If Twitter truly wants to compete as a real-time news source, this is a step in the right direction.

Here is the new email, complete with the link to switch to daily mailings (via TechCrunch):

Twitter best of emails daily

If you like receiving these weekly recaps, you’ll probably enjoy receiving them daily even more. That way, the tweets and stories will be much more timely and relevant. A week-old tweet is naturally a lot less useful than a couple of hours-old tweet.

Twitter recently found another reason to send users email with the launch of “people you may know” mailings in September.