Science says you can only have 150 friends. Anymore beyond that is impossible. Don’t tell that to Sony though as it’s planning on letting you have a few thousand on the PS4.
In a new video from PlayStation Access, Sony revealed that the PS4 will support up to 2,000 friends. On the PS3, gamers were restricted to 100 friends. It’s doubtful that many people were running into trouble with the 100 players max friend list, but it’s nice to know that Sony will be supporting your unhealthy habit of accepting friend requests from every person you play with.
Having that many friends is kind of pointless, however, if you can’t talk to all of them. Thankfully, Sony says that the PS4 will support party chat for such occasions. In other words, you’ll be able to talk to friends regardless of the game they’re playing.
In the above video, Sony reiterated that online multiplayer will not be free on the PS4. You will need a PlayStation Plus account to play online, but online apps like Netflix and party chat will remain available to PS4 owners without a Plus account.
As for other details, Sony says that the PS4 will only be available in jet black at launch, and that it won’t support the DualShock 3. They also detail the hardware found inside the PlayStation Camera.
The PS4 is still slated to launch later this year, but the exact date remains elusive. Some have suggested that the retail PS4’s recent pass through the FCC ensures an early launch, but I wouldn’t be so sure. We’re probably going to see both next-generation consoles launch in November, but I would be glad to be wrong.