
Yelp Is Looking For Small Business Owners To Offer Advice

Yelp put out an announcement calling for small business owners to volunteer for its Small Biz Advisory Council. Specifically, they’re looking for Yelp aficionados who wish to act as representatives for business owners around the world and share insights with Yelp execs.

Yelp manager of local business outreach Rosie Akenhead writes:

Every year, Yelp selects a diverse group of people from around the world to serve as the collective voice of small businesses on Yelp. Those chosen will join in on regular conference calls to provide insight on existing Yelp features, policies, products under development, and to brainstorm new ideas. Even better, new members will also travel to Yelp HQ to participate in our annual summit where they’ll meet with Yelp’s top executives and department heads to share their perspectives as small business owners. The feedback provided during these sessions are often used to shape new tools and features like the Yelp for Business Owners mobile app.

Ready to sign up yet? Good. We’re ready for you. The official call for new Yelp Small Business Advisory Council members is here and all are welcome to apply. Our council members are thought leaders who enjoy sharing their insights with other business owners.

According to the company, those selected will be able to make connections with small business leaders from around the world, travel to San Francisco for a summit at the Yelp headquarters, provide input on products in development, brainstorm new ideas for the company to consider, and be a resource for other business owners who have questions about Yelp’s products.

There’s no question that a lot of business owners would like to see things about Yelp changed, so this could be a chance to have your voice heard. There’s an application here.

Image via Yelp