
Yahoo Users Up 20% Since Mayer Took Over

Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer appeared at TechCrunch Disrupt and talked about Yahoo’s growth since she took over last year.

On stage, she announced that Yahoo surpassed 800 million monthly active users (globally). That doesn’t include Tumblr, she said, calling it “core growth”. That growth represents 20% since July of 2012, she said. That is, of course, when she took over as CEO.

Mayer said Yahoo is seeing a lot of additional usage on mobile, adding that it now has 350 monthly active users on mobile. It’s also seeing “a lot” of usage on the Yahoo homepage, Yahoo Mail and Search.

She also noted that Yahoo is happy with the new logo, but they’re really more focused on product. Interviewer Michael Arrington immediately asked how long it would be before they change it.

“The products have to be good, otherwise users don’t come and actually use them,” said Mayer. “And then once you’ve got that usage, you can use that especially in [an] advertising business like what we run to actually attract more advertisers, and grow revenue. So we’ve had a modest year of growth in 2012. One percent growth, but all growth starts somewhere. And this year we’ve had a nice stable year so far. We’re ideally hoping to see some growth this year or next year, but on the people, we’re seeing really exciting things.”

“We’ve obviously done a lot of acquisitions, and that’s brought a lot of great talent into the company, but even separate from the acquisition strategy, we now get 12,000 resumes a week, and the reason that that’s a fun number for us is that basically the company’s about 12,000 employees right now,” she said. “So basically for every job we have we get a resume each week, which is up dramatically, like by a factor of five or six from before I was there – before July 2012 – and our attrition is down markedly. We’re down to a factor of three or four. Less attrition.”

Fourteen percent of Yahoo’s hires in Q1 were “boomerangs,” she says. This is the company’s internal nickname for former Yahoo employees that have returned. In Q2 it was ten percent. It’s about seven or eight percent this quarter to date.

Yahoo surpassed Google in July to become the top web property in the U.S., based on data from comScore.

Image: TechCrunch Disrupt (AOL)