
Yahoo: Maybe Yahoo Bing Network Isn’t Doing Too Bad After All

Earlier this year things weren’t looking incredibly great for the Yahoo Microsoft search deal. Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer made comments at the Goldman Sachs Technology and Internet Conference, expressing disappointment with the results.

If a blog post from Yahoo today regarding the Yahoo Bing Network are any indication, however, things are looking more promising.

The post shares some stats from Yahoo Bing Preferred Partner Program member Marin Software, which manages $5 billion a year in digital ad spend for global advertisers. Marin analyzed its clients search ad performance from Q2 2012 to Q2 2013.

They found that impression volume and click volume each grew 33%. Click-through rates remained consistent, and cost per click increased by $0.03.

“Several verticals showed significantly better performance and efficiency year over year, including retail, finance, and technology,” Yahoo says in the post. “The automotive vertical showed the most dramatic growth, according to Marin.”

For the vertical, impression volume grew 13%, click volume grew 77%, click-through rate grew 56%, and cost per click decreased by $0.10.

“We’re excited to see that advertisers using Marin Software saw significant improvements in both volume and performance on the Yahoo Bing Network,” says Gagan Kanwar, Marin’s Director of Partnerships & Research, as quoted in the post. “Yahoo and Microsoft are doing a terrific job adding volume and gaining user adoption, while maintaining or improving advertiser KPIs.”

Microsoft said in July that the Yahoo Bing Network had 159 million unique searchers, and that 51 million of them don’t use Google.

Image: Bing