
Yahoo CEO Scott Thompson To Address Advertiser Questions

If you advertise with Yahoo, and you have some questions for Scott Thompson, the company’s new CEO, you can post them on Yahoo’s Advertising Facebook page, and there’s a chance he will answer them.

According to the company, Thompson will “tackle a few” in the February issue of Yahoo’s advertiser newsletter. So make them good.

Yahoo writes on its Advertising Solutions blog:

Like many baseball fans, Scott has a passion for the stats. The numbers. The data. And that’s great news for marketers, because Scott’s data-driven mindset, tech savvy, and proven leadership abilities will help Yahoo! use its vast store of consumer data to help you reach customers in even more meaningful, more effective ways. He also understands that in the world of advertising-driven online media, content is king, recently telling AdAge that Yahoo! will continue to focus on both technology and content, “not one or the other.”

“Yahoo! has a rich history, a solid foundation, a dedicated audience, and an incredible team,” said Scott. “All the pieces are here, the talent is here, the passion is here, and I’m incredibly excited by the opportunities ahead.”

Yahoo says you could ask Thompson about his take on where online media is going in 2012 or what he likes best about working at Yahoo. Hopefully you can come up with something better than that. For that matter, hopefully he’ll be willing to answer tougher questions than that.