
Yahoo Answers Shutting Down May 4

After 16 years, Yahoo Answers is shutting down on May 4, 2021.

Yahoo Answers is a well-known, community-driven part of Yahoo’s online properties, featuring questions and answers across a broad range of categories and interests. Unlike competing sites, such as Quora, Yahoo Answers was often ridiculed for vague and incorrect answers.

The site’s days are now numbered, with Yahoo announcing it would be shutting down the site on May 4. The company says other Yahoo services and properties will not be impacted.

These changes are specific to Yahoo Answers. They won’t impact your Yahoo Account or any other Yahoo services.

Yahoo is also making user content available for download.

Your content must be requested before June 30, 2021. Follow the instructions for downloading your Yahoo Answers data.

Your Yahoo Answers data download will return all user-generated content including your Questions list, Questions, Answers list, Answers, and any images. You won’t be able to download other users’ content, questions, or answers.

While many people will not miss Yahoo Answers, it’s still a symbolic loss for a company that helped pioneer many of the internet search features users take for granted.