
Xbox One Gets A Wonderful TV Spot

System76 Pangolin - Credit System76

The Xbox One is set to release in just under two weeks on November 22. As such, Microsoft is now starting its marketing machine to make sure everybody knows the next generation of Xbox is almost here.

In the first TV spot for Xbox One, Microsoft turns the trope of the gamer couple on its head. Usually, the man is seen playing some “core” game while the woman opts to play some “casual” game or watch “The Next Top Model.” This is all done at the behest of some marketing guy who still thinks that the only people who play “core” games are the 18-34 male demographic. Microsoft throws this cheap marketing tactic to the curb in favor of a woman who knows what she wants – killing zombies and some beer.

Besides the above TV spot, Microsoft has also shared a new online ad that mimics its Surface unveiling videos featuring the new game console on an elevated podium in a room full of lights. In fact, it looks like they shot the ad in the exact same room, but who are we to judge cost cutting measures in the ad department.

[Image: xbox/YouTube]