
WWE 2K14: Rock Cover Revealed, People’s Trailer Released

2K Games and the WWE this week revealed the cover of WWE 2K14 on Monday Night Raw. The cover features Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, who recently lost the WWE Championship to John Cena at WrestleMania 29 back in April.

“I am exceptionally grateful to be chosen for the cover of WWE 2K14 and serve as the first cover Superstar under 2K’s leadership,” said The Rock. “I want the cover of WWE 2K14 to electrify the people. I want the artwork to stand out and set a new standard for all WWE video games from 2K, both today and in the future.”

WWE 2k14 cover

A trailer for the game has also been released, showing off the game’s “Become Immortal” theme:

In addition to the official cover art, 2K is holding a contest for original cover art, which will be included as an alternate cover in copies of WWE 2K14. The alternate covers can be created using WWE assets found at the 2K website. Fans can use the Twitter hashtag #WWE2K14Cover to promote their alternate covers. Some interesting cover art has already been created: