
Women Rule The Blogosphere As Both Bloggers & Visitors

Of all days, today being International Women’s Day, a timely study was released today by NM Incite, a Nielsen/McKinsey company, revealing that women make up the majority of bloggers.

NM Incite tracked over millions blogs from around the world to compile the data for their study. Blogs have boomed as an industry in recent years, escalating from 36 million in 2006 to 181 million at the time of the study. If the trajectory of growth is any indication, the saturation point for blogs doesn’t seem to be anywhere in sight because the study speculates that consumer interest is still on the rise.

While women are the majority in the bloggersphere, the study also found that 1 in 3 bloggers are mothers and that 52% of bloggers are parents with children under the age of 18 living in their household. Beyond just being curators and authors of blogs, though, women also make up the majority when it comes to social network and blog visitors.

Additionally, nearly all of the bloggers these days are well-educated as 7 of 10 have gone to college, most of whom are graduates. So not only are more blogs being managed by women, but by highly intelligent women to boot.

While much has been made of Pinterest‘s women-centric demographic, the NM Incite study found that the “visually-oriented social media site” is growing like gangbusters, with over 10 million unique U.S. visitors this past December alone – that’s nearly twice as many visitors as the site had two months earlier in October.

So hats off to the ladies out there in the internets. Apparently, it’s your blogosphere – the rest of us just live in it.