
Windows Phone For a Penny on Thanksgiving Weekend

office tech trends

As many of you already realize, the Friday after Thanksgiving, at least in the United States, is referred to as “Black Friday,” because that’s the day all the retailers get in the black, financial-wise. It’s a day of sales and bargains as stores try to drum as much business as they can, and judging by the reaction of the American public, Black Friday is a definite staple of American consumer process, and it’s here to stay.

With that in mind, it was reported that AT&T will be offering the Windows Phone 7 for one cent starting on Black Friday and going until the following Monday, which has become known as “Cyber Monday.” While some are indeed saying the deals will be available on Black Friday, the actual AT&T announcement says the one cent phones will be available on the Saturday after Black Friday:

Saturday, November 26, 12:01 a.m. ET

All Windows 7 and select Android devices, for just $.01

Naturally, there’s a company quote, explaining their strategy, which, after reading between the lines, is, we want even more customers, so we’re going to offer cheap prices for handsets and get them with two-year contracts, as well as minimum messaging plans and data plan purchases:

“We’re proud to continue to offer incredible value and savings in this economy,” said Phil Bienert, senior vice president, ATT.com. “We want to show our customers that we appreciate their loyalty—especially during the holiday season.”

Following the quote, the disclaimer appears:

All offers require a two-year service agreement. All smartphone offers require AT&T voice and a minimum of $15 per month data plan; quick messaging devices require a minimum $20 per month messaging plan. Some restrictions and other charges may apply.

But, the fact remains, Windows Phones will only cost you one penny, which is as good a reason as any to play the following video of Windows fangirls rapping about the Windows Phone. It’s certainly fitting:

“Sleek on the outside, Microsoft inside,” indeed. If that doesn’t inspire you to buy a Windows Phone, nothing will.