We reported Friday on the aesthetic changes that Microsoft is making to the Windows 8 logo. Does anybody actually like it?
PC Mag published a report that had technology journalists weighing in on the new design. The results are somewhat surprising.
Since we have to get the hatred out of the way first, there are quite a few people who absolutely loathe the new design.
E.D. Kain, writer for Forbes, said that the new logo is reminiscent of “what you might get if you were to fire up PhotoShop, drag in a picture of the Finnish or Shetland Islands’ flag, and invert the colors.”
A commenter on Kain’s piece added some needed humor to the hate fest:
“I think it’s very appropriate to have four Blue Screens of Death coming right toward you. Pretty much captures my Windows experience, anyway.”
There are other explosions of hatred towards the new design from one journalist comparing it to a window that he wants to jump out of to a graphic designer going into the technical details as to why it’s a bad design.
Some writers out there absolutely love the design though.
The supporters love Microsoft’s minimalistic approach to the design with some even comparing it to Apple’s iconic logo.
Time Magazine’s Harry McCracken makes the best case for the new logo and a new Microsoft it represents:
“The old Microsoft consistently went overboard selling Windows, with splashy logos and overly exuberant slogans such as ‘The Wow Starts Now.’ But I don’t want to be wowed by my operating system–I want it to get out of my face, and not break, and generally be a platform for useful applications that make my life better rather than a glorious experience unto itself.”
What does yours truly think about the design? I’m a hardcore Windows nut who has used the OS since Windows 95. I loved the multicolored Windows logo. I understand why Microsoft is changing the logo, but my dislike of the logo stems from a dislike of Windows 8. Simplicity is good for the overall market, but what about us power users who want an OS that gives us the tools to make the OS ours instead of what the company dictates? Microsoft is moving towards an Apple approach of a closed operating system and it’s frightening.
We’ll know for sure if this new logo correlates to a new Windows once the consumer preview launches later this month.
Do you love the new design? Or absolutely hate it? Let us know in the comments.