
Windows 8 Consumer Preview Now Available

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Windows has announced the release of Windows 8 consumer preview. It’s available to download now for anyone interested in trying out the new operating system. Windows Experience blog is already posting tips on how to better navigate the system.

According to Microsoft, the new operating system is supposed to be more simplified, more user friendly, faster and even more intuitive than any version before. So, the Windows 8 consumer preview is now available, but what should you consider before downloading it? Well, it’s not a refined product yet and things could change before the actual release of the full version.

You may encounter problems with the operating system which have not yet been fully addressed. This is part of the reason for a consumer preview, it allows users to give some feedback to Microsoft about their experience with the product. If you’re not at least a little tech savvy, you should consider waiting until a more refined completed version is available.

Windows 8 Consumer preview will require the following computer capabilities:

* 1 GHz or faster processor
* 1 GB RAM (32-bit) or 2 GB RAM (64-bit)
* 16 GB available hard disk space (32-bit) or 20 GB (64-bit)
* DirectX 9 graphics device with WDDM 1.0 or higher driver
* 1024 x 768 minimum screen resolution

Ken Walter from the Windows Experience Blog web site also offers this explanation of computer requirements:

“However, there are some additional requirements to take into consideration in order to use certain features in Windows 8. In order to use the Snap feature, you will need a PC with a 1366×768 resolution or higher. If you want to use touch, you’ll need a multitouch-capable laptop, tablet, or display. Windows 8 supports up to five simultaneous touch points, so if your hardware doesn’t, you may find typing on the onscreen keyboard and using certain controls more of a challenge. You’ll also need an Internet connection to try out the Windows Store, to download and install apps, and to take your settings and files with you from one Windows 8 PC to another.”

There it is, Windows 8 Consumer preview is now available for download, and if you’re the adventurous tech knowledgeable type, you should give it a whirl.