
Willow Smith And Brother Jaden Give Strange Interview

Willow and Jaden Smith are not your typical teenagers for a lot of reasons. A recent interview with T Magazine, shows just how different they really are.

The teens first shared some of their interests. While most teens their age are interested in dating, music and sports, 16-year-old Jaden said that his interest is quantum physics and Willow said that she enjoys learning about ancient texts.

The teens then talked about some issues that affect a lot of teenagers, bullying and peer pressure. Willow said that she doesn’t care what people think of her, but when she tried to explain her feelings, things got a little confusing.

“Caring less what everybody else thinks, but also caring less and less about what your own mind thinks, because what your own mind thinks, sometimes, is the thing that makes you sad,” she said.

Jaden tried to clear things up by adding,

“Your mind has a duality to it. So when one thought goes into your mind, it’s not just one thought, it has to bounce off both hemispheres of the brain. When you’re thinking about something happy, you’re thinking about something sad.”

“Creativity,” he added, “comes from a place of oneness. … And you can’t listen to your mind in those times — it’ll tell you what you think and also what other people think.”

While the teens may be a little different, they are headed in the right direction and have already started making a name for themselves. Willow is already a successful musician and is interested in writing novels.

Jaden has appeared in several films and television shows and says that he has big things planned.

“I have a goal to be just the most craziest person of all time,” said Jaden. “And when I say craziest, I mean, like, I want to do like Olympic-level things.”

Looks like the kids might be following in their parents’ footsteps.