Wikipedia the Latest to Face Pressure to Stop Accepting Crypto

Pressure is mounting on Wikipedia to stop accepting crypto, amid criticism of its environmental impact....
Wikipedia the Latest to Face Pressure to Stop Accepting Crypto
Written by Matt Milano

Pressure is mounting on Wikipedia to stop accepting crypto, amid criticism of its environmental impact.

Mozilla came under heavy criticism for its decision to accept cryptocurrency donations. None other than one of the founders of Mozilla lambasted the organization for its decision, prompting an about-face.

Wikipedia is now facing pressure to stop accepting crypto as well, with a “Requests for comments” page opened to discuss the situation. The user who opened the page, GorillaWarfare, explained three specific issues with accepting crypto.

  • Concern that accepting crypto signaled endorsement
  • The environmental impact of crypto
  • The potential to damage Wikipedia’s reputation

It’s too early to know how Wikipedia will proceed, but the discussion is another example of the headwinds crypto faces in its bid for widespread acceptance.

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