
Webcam Hacking Movie Looks To Heighten Awareness


Webcam hacking is a term and practice you may not have heard of, but will never forget after watching the movie below. The movie is simply titled “Webcam“, and was shot completely on none other than an actual webcam.

The movie is well written, directed, and the main character is grounded well, with solid acting from the actress. What really sets the movie apart is that it’s based on a true story, and webcam hacking is a practice with thousands of documented cases, according to the short film.

Without further ado, here’s the movie. Prepare for creepiness.

Webcam from ZBros Productions on Vimeo.

If you want to truly be shocked, just search for “webcam hacking” in your search engine of choice. It’s remarkable how easy it is to do, especially with the person being completely unaware. *shudders*