
Watch the Election Results on YouTube


You can watch the elections on YouTube tonight if that is your preferred video hub or if you’re not near a television (though you can still watch them there from your TV if it’s connected). At 9PM, the CBS YouTube channel will stream the results live. 

"It’s been a memorable campaign season on YouTube, but the time for persuasion and debate is over — now it’s time to vote," writes Ramya Raghavan of YouTube News and Politics on the company blog. "As polling results come in from across the country, we’re partnering with CBS News to live stream election results and highlight election trends on YouTube and Google."

"Already, CBS has been highlighting election trends through data from Google and YouTube platforms," notes Raghavan. "In addition to analyzing the top political videos on YouTube, they’re watching Google Trends and Insights for Search to determine what people are searching for and watching online. This approach of examining web trends adds a new level of depth to election reporting and is a model that news organizations can use for any major event or milestone."

CBS YouTube Channel

9 out of the top 10 searches on Google today have been election-related, according to the company. Google itself is providing other tools to help users follow the elections and to find where to vote. 

In fact, social networks like Facebook and Twitter are doing their parts as well. Here you can see what Twitter is doing, and here are Facebook’s offerings. Chances are if you use Facebook, you’ve already seen some of them today. 

CBS is taking feedback and ideas via Google Moderator from their channel. The top submissions have a chance to make it on the air.