
Want A 3D Printer On The Cheap? Back This Kickstarter

Kickstarter has already proven itself to be a bastion (and patent litigation target) for cheap 3D printers. The Form 1 broke all kinds of records when it pulled in over $2.5 million. At $2,699, the Form 1 was still a little expensive. The latest 3D printer on Kickstarter is well within anybody’s price range.

Meet the Printrbot Jr, a $375 3D printer that’s being made for schools. The creator, Brook Drumm, says that his hope is to get two of these 3D printers into schools across the country. That’s why he’s offering the printers so cheaply with one printer going for $375 and two going for only $700.

It’s a good cause, and one that I hope people take him up on. Schools need more classes with hands-on learning and 3D printers would accomplish that nicely. The printers don’t just have to go to schools either. Drumm encourages any and all backers to share their Printrbot Jrs with the community at large, and build out a group of innovators and entrepreneurs based around 3D printing.