
Vitamin D Supplements May Help Prevent Heart Disease

Vitamin D is once again in the hot spot; for some reason the scientists have decided to pick on this vitamin recently. While studies have claimed that vitamin D is not all that great as people once thought was, there have been other studies proclaiming that vitamin D is indeed all that, and more. The studies this year have discovered that vitamin D has been shown to prohibit cancer growth in women, and Medicinenet.com reports new research that suggests that deficient levels of vitamin D are related to severe forms of coronary artery disease.

The findings were presented at the American College of Cardiology’s annual meeting in Washington D.C. today, and although this is an important deal, concrete research decisions are only considered official once published in a peer-reviewed medical journal.

The conclusion was reached from a study of nearly 1,500 patients who were undergoing tests to detect blocked arteries, and 70 percent of the patients had deficient vitamin D levels.

The studies lean towards the vitamin D being the cause- and not the effect- of the clogged arteries that lead to heart attack. Still, according to these studies, having a deficient level of vitamin D can increase your risk of coronary artery disease by 32 percent, and increase your risk for the severe form of the disease by 20 percent.

Vitamin D can be found in fatty fish, supplements, dairy products that are often fortified by vitamin D and- of course- the sun. It is suggested that including vitamin D and moderate exercise into your regular regimen is helpful for those suffering from cardiovascular disease as well as those who are not- doing so may better your chances of preventing the disease from occurring.

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