
Vine Shares Top Instagram Shares on Twitter

In sentences that would have made absolutely no sense 10 years ago news, Vine videos have just surpassed Instagram photos in terms of how often they’re being shared on Twitter.

The switch occurred just days after Vine officially launched their Android app.

The data comes from social analytics company Topsy. Check out the graph:

On Friday, 2.5 million links to vine.co were shared on Twitter, compared to approximately 2.2 million links to instagram.com. Over the past few days, Vine shares have remained more frequent that Instagram shares.

We knew Vine was gaining in popularity, but this kind of a surprise – especially when you consider the fact that Vine only has 13 million registered users. Instagram has over 100 million monthly active users.

Call it a beginner’s bump for Vine if you want. The service did just launch on Android, and that means that a lot of eager users of the platform have been jumping at the chance to try it out. Maybe that initial buzz will die down, or maybe it won’t. But it’s hard to ignore one of the main differences between Vine and Instagram – their relationships with Twitter. While Vine (owned by Twitter) integrate seamlessly with Twitter, Instagram no longer shares that fruitful partnership.

[Topsy via Nick Bilton (Twitter) via Marketing Land]