
Vimeo Android and Windows Phone Apps Announced

Vimeo is the trendy video service on the internet, which focuses primarily on artist developed content. We’ve featured a few interesting, and amazing videos from Vimeo on WebProNews. While the site is nowhere near the size of YouTube, they have been gaining traffic and presence in the past year.

The company looks to expand their mobile scope, as they announced today they are releasing apps for Android, Amazon Kindle Fire, and Windows Phone. The apps are free on their various marketplace services. The app will be compatible with devices running Android 2.3 (and above), Amazon Fire, and Windows devices running Windows Phone 7.5

The app will have all the features enjoyed on the iPhone and iPad, including:

– Uploading videos in HD

– Sharing videos on Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, WordPress, Email, and SMS

– Utilize the community features on Vimeo; liking, commenting, and adding videos to your “watch later” queue

Joe Schmitt, lead mobile developer at Vimeo, said this of the announcement, “With the widespread accessibility of high-quality video on mobile devices and high-speed mobile Internet access, people use their mobile devices not only to watch video but to shoot and then upload video to share online“, continuing, “With mobile devices making up approximately 15 percent of our site traffic, we recognize the importance of expanding our platforms to allow people to access Vimeo from as many devices as possible.

As an aside, Vimeo has a pretty cool contest running right now. It’s called their 5×5 Project. Users submit a 25 second video clip, comprised of individual 5 second clips which reflect on everyday life. They’re taking submissions until the 10th. Here’s an example from one of their staff.

Morning / Commute / Distinction / Platform / Celebratory Pizza! from Thomas Riggs on Vimeo.