
Views By Country WordPress.com Feature Launched

WordPress announced that there’s a new “Views by Country” option available from the My Stats tab on the WordPress.com homepage. The feature is designed to let bloggers quickly see where there audience is around the globe.

“When you click on or hover over a country name, the map zooms in so you can really get a feel for all the parts of the planet your content has reached,” explains Jeff Bowen on the WordPress.com blog.

“The Summaries page shows you country stats for the previous week, month, quarter and all time, but keep in mind this feature is new and views by country are not available prior to March 2012,” he adds.

He also hints that more features are on the way for the My Stats tab.

WordPress.com blogs have been getting a lot of features lately. Other recent additions include: comment notifications, a Chrome extension, and increased storage limits.