
Video Of Raid On Kim Dotcom’s Mansion Finally Released

It’s been almost eight months since the U.S. government took down Megaupload and arrested Kim Dotcom on charges of copyright infringement. Since that time, Dotcom has been granted bail, produced two songs and won a series of major hearings against the United States in court. Now we have video from the day of the raid on his mansion which may help prove that that raid was illegal.

3 News in New Zealand got a hold of the video footage from the day of the raid that led to Dotcom’s arrest. The courts in New Zealand have already ruled multiple times that the raid was illegal because the police did not have the proper warrants. Dotcom himself has argued that he was subject to police brutality on the day of the raid.

While it doesn’t show everything, here’s the footage that we do have of the raid:

According to Dotcom, he was “punched in the face” when the police force found him in his panic room. He was also kicked down to the floor where police kicked him in the ribs. Other details from police involved in the raid say that they used two helicopters, attack dogs and four police vehicles. The FBI was also there during the raid and instructed the police to “secure suspect as soon as possible to prevent destruction of evidence.” Dotcom alleges that he couldn’t have destroyed any evidence as the FBI had already copied all of his data before the raid took place.

The aggravated response and the illegality of the warrants have already helped Dotcom get back a lot of his belongings. In April, he received about $750,000 in assets. The court later said that he could bring further action against the U.S. freeze on his accounts

With Dotcom’s extradition case delayed until next year, the news is going to be mostly focused on what has already happened for now. It’s still major news in New Zealand, so expect more news like this to emerge.