
Viagra Ice Cream: Sexy Treat With Champagne Flavor

Some of us just aren’t that exciting when it comes to our preferred ice cream flavors.

Persons typically stick to a couple of scoops of vanilla and if they’re feeling particularly daring, there may be sprinkles on top.

Charlie Harry Francis is clearly a man apart from the rest when it comes to his take on frozen treats.

If you need proof that this ice cream connoisseur means business, just consider the fact that he is responsible for creating an ice cream flavor that includes Viagra as an ingredient.

Appropriately named “The Arousal”, Francis’s concoction is said to contain 25 mg of Viagra per scoop.

Said Francis, “Incorporating the Viagra was relatively easy.”

Apparently it was getting a delicious champagne flavor to come through that took up the lion share of the effort.

Who would have thought?

Francis’s “Arousal” ice cream may have been a personal triumph, but it turns out that it was not the brainchild of the ice cream man himself.

On his blog Lick Me, I’m Delicious, he wrote that the Viagra and champagne ice cream flavor had in fact been a custom order made at the request of a customer.

That’s right, folks: Someone woke up one day and decided they needed to chow down on ice cream that tasted of alcohol and drugs meant to fix erectile dysfunction.

Francis confessed that the custom job accounted for only “one of the weirdest requests” he and his team had ever come across.

If you are extremely curious as to what other bizarre flavors have been requested of the ice cream maker, you’re probably going to want to hit up his blog.

Would YOU try a Viagra-flavored ice cream? What’s the strangest frozen treat you’ve had the pleasure of eating? Share below in the comments!

Image via Wikimedia Commons