
Verizon Moves To Block Net Neutrality, Citing A Bunch of Nonsense

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Verizon doesn’t think the FCC should be able to regulate the Internet, even though it, as a company that started as one of the Bells, is well aware of the history of regulation within the telecommunications industry. And so, the company filed a lawsuit in an attempt to block the FCC’s implementation of these standards.

While this was expected, the reason(s) the company offers for its attempted block is incredibly laughable, and well, false. Before that, let’s recap the FCC’s version of Net Neutrality, something that was officially filed on September 23, 2011. The concept is focused on three simple tenets:

i. Transparency. Fixed and mobile broadband providers must disclose the network management practices, performance characteristics, and terms and conditions of their broadband services;

ii. No blocking. Fixed broadband providers may not block lawful content, applications, services, or non-harmful devices; mobile broadband providers may not block lawful websites, or block applications that compete with their voice or video telephony services; and

iii. No unreasonable discrimination. Fixed broadband providers may not unreasonably discriminate in transmitting lawful network traffic.

Again, it’s surprising how simply effective the FCC can be when the collective actually tries. These standards are simple in concept and execution, although, some groups weren’t happy with the FCC’s apparent blind eye towards the mobile industry. To this writer, that’s another story for another day, because home-based Internet use needs to be protected as well.

Too bad Verizon doesn’t think so.

While discussing their lawsuit, a Verizon lawyer offered this stream of useless information as the company’s reason for the attempted block:

“We are deeply concerned by the FCC’s assertion of broad authority to impose potentially sweeping and unneeded regulations on broadband networks and services and on the Internet itself,” said Michael Glover, Verizon’s general counsel. “We believe this assertion of authority is inconsistent with the statute and will create uncertainty for the communications industry, innovators, investors and consumers.”

So an open Internet disrupts innovation? One wonders how Google would respond to such nonsense. Or the creators of YouTube. Or Yahoo. Or Facebook. Or Twitter. All of these ubiquitous services were successfully developed under an open net understanding, but for some reason, Verizon wants us to believe the opposite is true.

Which means, Verizon’s reasons for wanting to block net neutrality are absolutely false. Verizon is simply trying to misguidedly justify why it wants to regulate the Internet for its customers. Verizon wants to be able to pick and choose what content it gives preferential treatment to, and the FCC’s rules don’t allow for them to do so. Who knows? Maybe the United States government will do what’s right and allow the FCC to, you know, do the job it was created for.

But then again, when you understand Verizon has already won a case against the FCC over the same subject, it’s doubtful true net neutrality will be coming to the United States anytime soon. Not as long as the corporations are allowed to have as much influence as they do now.