
Verizon Blames Poor Battery Life on 5G

Apple iPhone

Verizon has undercut its own 5G push, telling users to turn off 5G to conserve battery life.

Verizon, like all US carriers, is aggressively pushing its 5G service. Unfortunately for the company, someone in its support department didn’t get the memo. In a since-deleted tweet Sunday morning, the company recommending switching to LTE to eliminate battery drain.

Are you noticing that your battery life is draining faster than normal? One way to help conserve battery life is to turn on LTE. Just go to Cellular > Cellular Data Options > Voice & Data and tap LTE.

Users were quick to point out that enabling LTE means turning off 5G.


This isn’t the first time 5G has been blamed for poor battery life. Testing has shown the iPhone 12 dies up to two hours faster when using 5G. It’s not uncommon for a new technology to negatively impact battery life, however. As time goes on, this will likely improve as refinements and improvements are made.