
Vagina Cookies: Second Grade Class Gets A Surprise

Everyone loves a cookie, but how about cookies shaped like vaginas? Seems a little strange right? One second grade class got a snack and an anatomy lesson all in one when a student’s mother baked and brought in vagina shaped cookies.

The vagina cookies story has gone viral, but did it really happen or is it just a hoax? According to Reddit user JPStudly, the second grade teacher who was involved with the incident is an acquaintance and was willing to share the story with her.

Eurthisnthat.com reported that JPStudly begins her post by writing, “This is a friend’s story and she isn’t a Redditor but I begged her to let me post it from the perspective that she told the story in.”

According to JPStudly, the class was being rewarded with treats because of how well-behaved they had been. The teacher encouraged parents to bring in treats for the students and one woman, who is a self-proclaimed feminist, saw an opportunity to introduce the class to female genitalia.

The mother allegedly showed up with the box of cookies, handed it over to the teacher and said, “I decided you can use these to teach the kids about the woman’s vagina today.”

JPStudly shared the rest of the story on her post writing,

“I slowly peel the aluminum foil off the pan to behold a plethora of sugar cookie and frosting vaginas. Not just any old vagina, but ALL KINDS OF VAGINAS. There were small, puffy, white, brown, shaved, bald, and even a fire crotch with beef curtains. Perplexed I give the parent the most professional look I can muster and quietly reply ‘I’m sorry Autumn, but I can’t give these to my students. This just isn’t appropriate.”

It was then that the mother got angry with the teacher and began shouting at her and telling her she should love her vagina.

“Finally after what seemed like an eternity, she storms out of the class leaving her vagina cookies on my desk. I scramble to collect my thoughts and take control of the situation before my second graders develop vaginal PTSD. My only thought is to scrape off the vagina frosting and hand out the plain sugar cookies to my students,” the post read.

Several people have criticized the teacher for how she handled the incident, but most feel that she did the right thing.

Do you think the vagina cookies story is real or was it made up by the Reddit user who first posted it?