
Utah Mom: Decency Clause in Lease Broken by PacSun

PacSun has a new enemy. It’s Mom.

One mom in Orem, Utah, was so shocked at the level of indecency on some T-shirts at the PacSun in the mall that she bought them all.

“As I was leaving the mall I just had this thought come to me that I can’t leave it. I can’t let it stay in the window for three or four more days while someone makes a decision.”

$567 later, Judy Cox walked out after informing the manager that if they got another shipment, she would buy them also. She also plans to return every shirt when the 60-day return period is over.

Other moms expressed their support for Judy Cox’s bold stand as they entered University Mall.

“She really did?” asked Ann Kronmiller. “I would help pay for it if I knew her. I think she’s great.” Kronmiller said of the pictures, “It was so disgusting to me. It’s pornography.”

Karen Swenson, mother and grandmother, agreed. “Shirts like that should not be where kids could see them. If you’re an adult and you want to buy that that’s fine, but that’s something everybody has to go by and I don’t want my kids and my grandkids to have to see that.”

The VISUAL by Van Styles shirts featured sparsely clad young women in provocative poses, and Mrs. Cox wasn’t having it. Her main concern was not only her 19-year-old son, whom she was shopping with, but children that might see the images as they pass by.

She brought her complaint to the store manager, who told her that she understood her complaint, and that she had already refused to put up a banner that came with the shipment of t-shirts because it featured even worse content.

However, Mrs. Cox didn’t stop there. She took her concerns to mall manager Rob Kallas, who said that she wasn’t the first one to complain. He said that the city attorney would be notified to see if PacSun violated a decency clause in their lease agreement.


She has also taken her cause to One Million Moms and Women for Decency and hopes that her stand will help bring awareness to the ever-growing problem of the exploitation of young women. She told KTVX, “I hope it sends a really strong message to PacSun that at least in this community this is not a standard for us this, this is not something we approve of.”

It will be up to the city attorney to decide the fate of the t-shirt line. However, something tells me the moms of Orem will have a little something to say about it if he decides not to enforce the decency clause on PacSun’s lease.

Image via You Tube