
Usability Counts for Content Too

In a recent article, we talked about the importance of usability of both the search engines and your site, with regards to the path to conversions. If you create content, you would do well to consider similar lessons in how you craft that.

As referenced in the previous article, eye-tracking research has been a major indicator in how sites are viewed by consumers. Such research can help webmasters understand where they eyeballs are going, and help them determine how to arrange the layout of their sties.  The quicker user eyeballs get to what they are looking for, the better experience they are going to have.

Applying Usability Concepts to Content

With this in mind, it stands to reason that in article writing,  it is a good idea to use visual elements to help readers find what they’re looking for. Matt Bailey of SiteLogic Marketing spoke with WebPronews about structuring content so readers can easily find the answers they are looking for.

As Matt references, studies have shown that people are frequently not reading content in its entirety when looking for information online. They’re scanning articles for the answers they seek. Matt suggests using:

– keywords in titles
– keywords in headers
– bullet lists when applicable

Essentially, "lead them where they want to go."

That’s not to say that content is all about getting attention. The quality should be there once you do have their attention. It’s just helpful to lead the reader where they need to go visually, to get them to read it in the first place.