
TyepPad Turns Blog Comments Into Ads

Six Apart has launched an interesting new feature for blogs (not just TypePad blogs, but all platforms), which injects sponsored comments into conversations on the blogs. TypePad works with "leading voices" in a given category to come up with questions that are syndicated to "influential" bloggers, who post their answers on their blogs.

All answers from participating blogs are aggregated in one spot at conversations.typepad.com, and what is deemed "the best" wil be featured below the blogger’s original post.

"If you have ever been to an industry conference like iMedia, E3, Ad Tech, ShowWest, you have experienced a form of sponsored conversation," explains David Tokheim, EVP Six Apart Media. "We are taking that principle online and allowing brands to join in the conversation, and as with those conferences, TypePad Conversations helps brands sponsor discussions without controlling them."

TypePad Introduces sponsored conversations

"Participating in the conversation is strictly voluntary and we don’t pay bloggers to post," adds Tokheim. "If you are a member of the Six Apart Ad Program – open to bloggers on all platforms — you will share revenue from impressions generated from the advertising that accompanies TypePad Conversations."

Tokheim compares the sponsored conversations to sponsored tweets on Twitter and Facebook’s engagement ads.

Do you like the idea of TypePad offering sponsored conversations for blogs? Share your thoughts.