
Twitter Turns Discover Tab into Media-Rich Stream of Tweets

Twitter’s Discover tab was launched last December in an effort to give new Twitter users suggestions on who to follow, help them find friends, and browse categories. Another part of the Discover tab provided top news stories from around the network, as tweeted by influential users.

Today, the company has announced an upgrade to the Discover tab that will provide a media-rich tweet stream. It’s “what’s happening now, tailored for you,” says Twitter.

Here’s what they had to say on the Twitter blog:

Last December, we introduced Discover to bring you essential information from the web. This May, we added stronger signals and a new design that made it more personal for you with better stories and Tweets from people you know.

Now we’re improving Discover again: when you visit the Discover tab on twitter.com, you’ll see a continuous stream of Tweets, which automatically expand to show you the most relevant stories and most engaging photos.

The big change here is that now, the tweet stream shows the tweets already expanded with media, either in the form of articles, photos, or videos.

Mobile seems to be unaffected by this change. Twitter says that the new Discover tweet stream will roll out to users gradually.