
Twitter Makes Mobile Apps More Search-Friendly

Twitter announced that it has updated its search feature on Android and iOS, making it more useful for actually finding stuff.

With the update, users can toggle between top tweets and all tweets at the top of the search results, much like on the desktop version.

Twitter has also added a photo search filter so you can view tweets with photos in either a grid or a list.

“To see what your friends are saying, you can filter the results to only show Tweets from the people you follow,” says Twitter’s Esteban Kozak. “You can even filter for videos, making it feel like you’re a part of the action on Twitter.”

Twitter also added a new trending timeline feature in the Discover section. This lets you see trends and associated tweets, as well as trending TV shows and nearby events.

Search continues to be an important element of Twitter, and it’s good to see that they continue to improve upon the experience. A few months back they made additional improvements to the desktop, and more recently yet, they renewed their partnership with Bing. This may soon get additional visibility thanks to the heavy integration of Bing on the upcoming Xbox One.

As long as Google doesn’t have full Twitter access the way it once did, Twitter remains an important component in keeping Google from dominating every corner of search.

Image: Twitter