Twitter Is Mostly Indifferent To Nintendo’s E3 2012 Press Conference

If you haven’t already watched or read about it, Nintendo held their annual E3 press conference today. They promised games for the Wii U and we got games. Unfortunately, the games shown were not...
Twitter Is Mostly Indifferent To Nintendo’s E3 2012 Press Conference
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If you haven’t already watched or read about it, Nintendo held their annual E3 press conference today. They promised games for the Wii U and we got games. Unfortunately, the games shown were not exactly what the core was expecting to see.

After a strong start with Pikmin 3 and some great titles from third-party publishers, Nintendo devolved into their usual strategy of trying to appeal to the casual audience with games that are easy to grasp and fun to play. This was most evident with the announcement of Nintendo Land. It seemed to not resonate with anybody at the show or online. Nintendo apathy was at an all time high.

While I think the game looks fun, I worry that it won’t be enough to hook either the core or the casual audience that’s now holed up inside the land of mobile gaming. I’m just one critic though. The best critics are those that take to Twitter to offer snap judgment before they can even clearly think about what they just said themselves. Let’s take a look:

‘U’ better explain yourselves Nintendo.
2 minutes ago via Twitter for iPad · powered by @socialditto
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So you know how Nintendo kept banging on about Nintendo All Access @ #E3? There was a reason. Their Presser amounts to an afterthought
3 minutes ago via Twitter for iPad · powered by @socialditto
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The worst Nintendo abuse continues: appending latest console’s name as a suffix to every software title.
5 minutes ago via Tweetbot for iOS · powered by @socialditto
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This just in… Nintendo Wii U to include Mario and other classic franchises. Also, ice to include water, hummus to include chickpeas.
5 minutes ago via Itsy! · powered by @socialditto
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Sorry, Nintendo, you’re not going to convince me to buy a WiiU with various ports. Now, excuse me while I wait patiently for Persona 4 Vita.
1 hour ago via web · powered by @socialditto
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That wasn’t a total disaster or anything, but boy, Nintendo…we could use a bit more Wii U game news.
1 hour ago via txt · powered by @socialditto
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They closed the Nintendo conference with a virtual fireworks show that was less impressive looking than Boom Boom Rocket (old XBLA game)?
1 hour ago via web · powered by @socialditto
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I love how No Zelda is trending. Nintendo only comes out with a Zelda game every 4 years, compared to Mario games, which is every 5 sec. #e3
1 hour ago via web · powered by @socialditto
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Signature moment of PlayStation E3 event: exploding brains. At Nintendo event: Mario grabbing even more coins than usual.
1 hour ago via web · powered by @socialditto
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I’m not sure if Nintendo is more interested in selling the Wii U or getting more Twitter followers #nintendoe3
1 hour ago via web · powered by @socialditto
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WB Games and Ubisoft all in with Nintendo, tons of support. Other western pubs not so much. Nintendo IP great, as always.
2 hours ago via Twitter for iPhone · powered by @socialditto
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“Being the puppet master is kind of like running Nintendo Of America” Man, why can’t there be a Reggie simulation game? #e3rant
2 hours ago via web · powered by @socialditto
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Can someone tell Nintendo that most of us have finished these games? Although the idea of a new overcoat 4 Batman makes me want to spend $60
2 hours ago via Twitter for iPhone · powered by @socialditto
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Been doing some thinking. Nintendo looked at what was successful on the Wii and is expanding that for the Wii U.
43 seconds ago via web · powered by @socialditto
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