
Twitter Fixes Bug That Locked Out Users Who Tweeted ‘Memphis’

Beale Street Memphis - Image by Bruce Emmerling

In a strange turn of events, some Twitter users found themselves locked out of their accounts for tweeting the word “Memphis.”

Twitter, like most social media platforms, has been under fire for its moderation policies. Some criticize the company for not moderating enough, while others accuse it of censorship.

Whatever one’s views of Twitter’s moderation, no one expected to be locked out for tweeting the word “Memphis.” Fortunately, it appears to have been a simple bug that Twitter has since fixed.

Many Twitter users were quick to reply with some tongue-in-cheek humor.


Other users pointed out that the company still struggles to effectively ban abusive speech, yet has no problem banning a city.

Either way, at least Memphis is once again safe in the Twitterverse.