
Twitter Ads Impress Coke

electronic devices

Twitter’s Promoted Trends concept is a hit.  A marketing executive at Coke, which was only the second company (after Disney) to give it a shot, could hardly say enough good things about the new ad platform in an interview, using words like "great" and "phenomenal."

Twitter LogoCarol Kruse, Vice President of Global Interactive Marketing, first told Tim Bradshaw at the Cannes Lions International Advertising Festival, "The amount of impressions in such a short period of time around our whole World Cup campaign, to me it was a phenomenal time."  Which was a reference to 86 million impressions in 24 hours, if you’re curious.

Kruse then continued, "It made this emotional connection at the time, it was great."  And that observation stems from the fact Coke saw an engagement rate of six percent when a rate of 0.2 percent is more typical.

Unfortunately, it’s hard to call Promoted Trends a complete success, because no one knows how much Coke paid for its Promoted Trend.  Those big numbers wouldn’t be bargains if the price was high enough.

The Promoted Trends platform appears to have gotten off to a great start, though.  An endorsement like Kruse’s in fact sounds like something Twitter should have paid for.

Count on seeing a lot of other companies try to follow Coke’s lead, then, perhaps to the point that Twitter will be able to raise its rates (whatever they are) and make even more money.